Wednesday, October 10, 2012


             I was once a computer illiterate but with the help of our ICT subject I can say now that I am now also a computer literate.
            I have learned a lot from my ICT class just like HTML files, also with mark-up tags, and different attributes. In my very first time that I encounter all of these I was amazed because Mrs. Vera Cruz and Miss. Queyquep is like making magic because for instance they chooses 10 words then they apply the different attributes then afterwards the words changed. I am enjoying my ICT class because I am learning a lot about computer or about technologies. I can use all the things I have learned in this class ICT in the future if ever I can graduate in college and have work.
            Moving on I will be more attentive and active in the computer in order for me to be more literate in the modern technologies.

Monday, October 8, 2012


               Imagine yourself in a dark room with no electricity and light, can you handle it? Therefore, Electricity is very important for us people. Electricity  may not be our primary need but we need it for us to do our work easier.
              Electricity is important for us people without it our work will not be easier just like in the older times, they are not progressive enough because they don't have electricities  in their community to make them fast in doing. We are citizens so we should learn how to take good care of it and use it properly, we should be a science clubber to sustain, attain and conserve energy. When using the Electricity, we should know how to conserved it not to waste it.